Foundation English Language Course Course Information:
● Levels: from elementary to intermediate
● Duration: 48 hours in 2 months; 4 days per week
● Start Date: 1st and 3rd week of every month
● Course Fees: Tk 15000

Course Contents

Grammar: Tenses, Modals, Used to and Would, Comparatives and Superlatives, Question Tags, Polite requests, Conditionals, Articles and quantifiers, Relative Clauses, Active and Passive Voice, Reported Speech and Verb Patterns.

Topics Covered:

Family, Relationships, News, Crime, Misunderstandings, Internet communication, Workplace & office, Technology, Life events, Success, Communities, History and Environment.

Skills Covered

Talking about yourself, Introducing questions, Telling a story, Describe routines, Making future plans, Make predictions, Describing good/bad experience, Dealing with misunderstandings, Reaching agreement, Making requests, Sharing good or bad news, Giving/ responding to and clarifying opinions, Being hospitable, Expressing uncertainty, Giving advice/warnings and Talk about qualifications, abilities and achievements

Word Building

Collocations, Sequence words, Future time markers, Idioms, Strong adjectives, Verb-noun collocations, Prefixes and Suffixes.

Reading and Listening

Skills covered:

Understanding the main point, ability to find specific and detailed information.


Writing different types of texts:

Letters, Essays, Summaries, Memos etc.

Writing skills:

Paragraphing and structuring, Using complex sentences, Linking ideas, Using discourse markers and Formal and informal styles.

All the vocabulary and grammar learnt is put in use through speaking and writing activities.

At Incircle you are in good hands. Because we

● understand each student is unique and we believe one size does not fit all. We walk through each student individually as well as in a group.
● do not follow any particular methods or techniques to assist our students to become succeeded. But we look into a range of innovative strategies and techniques and figure out which work out for a particular candidate individually or in a group.
● always reinvent ourselves when it comes to our teaching approach. Our simplified teaching style, unparalleled and easy-to-understand course materials along with friendly expert teachers make your preparation much more interactive, immersing and
● have a wealth of experience and knowledge. We possess an outstanding track record in preparing aspiring students for their success.

No one does it better than Incircle